Best practices

A projekt keretében számos, alkalmazkodás tekintetében hasznos példát adó esetet dolgoztak ki szakértőink, melyekből reméljük, tud hasznos ötleteket meríteni. Ezeket kiegészítik az utólag, külső szereplők által beküldött esetek, melyeket Ön is gyarapíthat az „új adaptációs példát szeretnék feltölteni” gombra kattintva

10 Years of Climate Protection Terrace cropping as one of the agricultural adaptation solutions Szekszárd, a Hungarian city of 33 thousand people, joined the National Alliance of Climate Friendly Municipalities in 2008. The city has developed a local Climate Change Strategy in 2010 which is implemented through a number of activities each year. Szekszárd is a city in a valley, surrounded by a hill. All households used to have vineyards, today about 1 out of every 3 households still have their own. As climate change evidently affects more
Adaptation in small steps The Mayor of Felsőörs is an environmentalist who has participated at the training 'Climate Answer' on climate adaptation and made use of the knowledge gained. The Hungarian village with appr. 1600 habitants is currently affected by climate change and extreme weather events in a limited manner. The primary hazards it has experienced are heavy rains, more
Challenges of the northernmost city in the world Hammerfest municipality is located in western part of the county of Finnmark at 70⁰N. Hammerfest is an important port for fisheries and the liquefied natural gas (LNG) landing and production facility at Melkøya constitute the most important industries. Fisheries Hammerfest faces several climate related challenges. In terms of the challenges related to the fisheries, local fishers are concerned that they do not have quotas for species such more
Fredrikstad have more than one “leg to stand on” Fredrikstad Fredrikstad municipality has experienced several episodes of unusually intense rain have led to inundation and damage of private basements and infrastructure. Inadequate drainage systems unable more
How European agricultural communities can deal with climate change? Øystre Slidre is a high altitude and mountainous municipality located in Oppland County with a population of 3200 inhabitants Farming in Øystre Slidre municipality is mainly based on animal husbandry and growing fodder for the animals. Farming is carried out within a short growing season late April to September. The more
How planning processes can incorporate climate change projections? Stavanger municipality is situated along the coast of the North Sea but does in addition have productive agricultural land. Stavanger is a centre for much of Norway’s oil and gas industry with a population of 132 000 (in growth). When areas with penetrable soil and vegetation are converted to housing areas much of the surface are tarmacked and turned solid and impenetrable. This reduces the draining capacity of the area more
Mainstreaming of climate change adaptation Oslo, Drammen, Bærum, Skedsmo and Ræling The climate in the case area is continental with warm summers and cold winters. The annual temperature is expected to increase by 1,2-2,6 C⁰ during this century. Before 2100 the annual more
Preparing for and Managing Disasters The aspect of adaptation of Pilis (Hungary) to climate change is mainly dealt with in the form of disaster management. Pilis is affected by climate change in a number of ways: Heavy snowing and ice endanger transportation, increasing the risk of accidents. Extensive exposure to the sun and UV radiation more